December 30, 2011

IKLAN PEMBACA: Dapatkan Perdana XL, Gratis Blackberry Full Service 3 Bulan

Jenis Iklan:BARANG
Judul Iklan*:Dapatkan Perdana XL, Gratis Blackberry Full Service 3 Bulan Rp.49k
Isi Iklan*:XMAKIN 49

Dapatkan Perdana XL, Gratis Blackberry Full Service 3 Bulan Rp.49k

BlackBerry Langsung aktif, Gratis BlackBerry Roaming


Nama*:ECC Authorized Dealer XL

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IKLAN PEMBACA: Jual Propolis Nano C9 Dari PT. Shubaru Indonesia

Jenis Iklan:BARANG
Judul Iklan*:Jual Propolis Nano C9 Dari PT. Shubaru Indonesia
Isi Iklan*:Apa Itu I Tech Nano Propolis?
New I Tech nano propolis merupakan propolis yang diolah dengan teknologi Higtech nano paling muktahir. Teknologi nano propolis terbaru ini memiliki banyak keunggulan beberapa kali lipat lebih unggul dari propolis yang beredar di pasaran.

PROPOLIS Merupakan Produk Terbaik karena :
1. Unik
2. Speed Effect (Reaksi Cepat)
3. No Range (Tidak Ada Batasan Umur dan Kelamin)
4. Multiguna (Obat Dalam Tubuh Dan luar Tubuh)
5. Health Food (Makanan Kesehatan Untuk yang Sehat Ataupun yang Sakit)
6. Tidak Ada Kadaluarsa
7. Tidak Ada Efek Samping.

Zat- zat yang dikandung nano Propolis :
Jenis-Jenis Bahan Makanan :
1. Flavonoid
2. Rutin
3. Enzim
4. Polyherol
(Hasil Penelitian UNIV OXFORD USA ,1987)
Ada 34 jenis Flavonoid dalam propolis yang berfungi sebagai :
1. Menguatkan selaput sel,mengaktifkan sel
2. Menghidupkan sel mati
3. Mencegah terjadinya pertumbuhan tumor
4. Menstabilkan saraf parasympatik/anti tekanan
5. Anti oksidan,mencegah ancaman radikal bebas
6. Mengandung vitamin (A,B1,B2,B3,B4,B5,B6,B12, C,D,E)
7. Mengandung mineraL
8. Protein ( asam amino)
( Penelitian ilmuan Jepang,1987 )

1. Merangsang tubuh menghasilkan imunitas (kekebalan)
2. Menguatkan dinding sel
3. Menguatkan dinding pembuluh darah
4. Melembutkan saluran darah sehingga pembuluh darah lebih kenyal
(Dr. Bent Havsteen, Universitas Jerman Barat, 1987)

Enzim berfungsi sebagai :
Pencegahan terjadinya berbagai penyakit pada manusia
(Hasil penelitian di Univ Oxford USA, 1987)

Polyheral berfungsi sebagai :
Dapat Menstabilkan emosi, membuat jadi rilek dan jiwa jadi tenang
(Oxford University, USA.87)
Kelebihan C9 Itech Nano Propolis :

1. Menggunakan Propolis dari Brazil yang sudah terkenal dengan kandungan bioflavonoid tertinggi di dunia(Lebih dari 6%), dibandingkan dengan propolis dari negara lain. 100% Green Propolis Brazil.

2. C9 Nano Propolis memiliki konsentrat paling tinggi, diantara Propolis lain yang beredar di Pasaran, yaitu 93% per mL.

3. Dengan ukuran molekul yang begitu kecil, yaitu 1 Per 1 Miliar Meter, membuat C9 Nano Propolis dapat dengan mudah diserap oleh tubuh.

4. Menghasilkan Larutan Propolis yang bebas kandungan Bee Wax / Lilin Lebah (0% Bee Wax) sehingga sangat aman digunakan. Karena dalam jangka waktu lama, Bee Wax dikhawatirkan dapat mengganggu kinerja lambung, bahkan menyebabkan masalah di ginjal.

5. Menghasilkan Larutan Propolis yang mengandung BIO ENERGY, yang membantu khasiat Propolis secara keseluruhan.

6. Memberikan reaksi tercepat untuk peningkatan kesehatan, masa penyembuhan, dan rehabilitasi pasca sakit

Harga Jual propolis nano c9 dari PT.SHUBARU INDONESIA Rp.75.000 perbotol,Rp.250.000 perkotak isi 4 botol, , pemesanan hubungi: 083898225950 / 08979493119

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December 28, 2011

SHOUTMIX Free service has to STOP

I Have "Shoutmix important notice" This announcement may be made ​​bloggers to be a little disappointed, because shoutmix chat application on the widget will not free anymore. I as a blogger, deeply regrets the decision shoutmix. how about you???

Free service has to stop

Thanks for using ShoutMix for all these year. I have been providing free shoutboxes on the World Wide Web for over 7 years now. It wasn't long before I realized being 100% free is not sustainable. Just before ShoutMix's first birthday, it almost had to be closed.
ShoutMix has tried to work with the freemium business model ever since. Conversion rates were low with the first version. With the second version, things improved and I have had more paying customers. Fortunately people liked the service and started paying for more features.
With that in mind, the new third version was developed to make things better for free and paid users alike. It was developed with lots of feedback from users over the course of several years. Meanwhile my biggest goal remained: to improve conversion rate to keep things sustainable and profitable, all while making ShoutMix a really high quality product for everyone.
One of the most mentioned feedback was that the old free version was too restrictive. Others are less trivial, just make it better, more premium features, more powerful stuff, avatar support, real time push update, really good spam protection, support for really high traffic situations, etc.
Finally, in November 2011, the new version 3 was completed. It was launched successfully and very smoothly. It was a great moment.
During the first month since launch, the reception went really well. New sign ups are in the thousands daily. Just within a month, almost 50,000 users have signed up! Hundreds of thousands of messages posted. Over 10,000 users from Facebook. Generally, users loved the new version. The growth are massive.
So, what went bad?
The conversion rate did not go up. In fact it fell lower. Our stats show 99.93% of users either have no intention to upgrade or are just happy with our free service. Worst of all, some customers have actually stopped paying and switched to our free service! It may seems to be good news for everyone right now, but it is really bad news for all of us.
By offering too much with our free plan, we cannibalized our paid plans. Happy users did not make more paying customers. The projections are bad. Only 0.07% users are customers. These are the people who keep ShoutMix sustainable as a business. Business is the part making ShoutMix exists for everyone. If it keeps on going this way, ShoutMix will not be sustainable any more and will need to close down in the near future.
The freemium model is broken for us.
Some argued that ShoutMix can easily monetize its free service with ads. It has been tried, but the rates were terrible. Beautiful, unobstructive ads do not pay well for ShoutMix. We can probably do better with flashy popup ads, but no thank you. Our competitors do it with popup ads. But there is no way ShoutMix is going to commit such ugly sin.
ShoutMix is becoming more of a premium product. In fact it already has. ShoutMix is designed to be the best in the industry. With passion plus personal investments of time, money and labor of over 7 years, ShoutMix has outgrown the freemium model.
So where do we go from here?
I have two choices. One, allow ShoutMix to become unsustainable. This is bad news for everyone. The other choice is to stop our free service. It is becoming obvious that this is where ShoutMix should go. And so, ShoutMix is not going to be free any more.
Existing users will be able to continue using their accounts at no cost right now. The transition will begin within a few weeks. Eventually, users with free accounts will need to switch to a paying plan or stop using the service. The date is set at January 1, 2012. After this date, free accounts will stop working unless upgraded to a paid plan.
The good news is that ShoutMix will be available for only $0.99/month and will be available effective immediately. For our old version (the Classic) it will only be available in Premium package which costs approximately $1.67/month.
Existing customers are unaffected by all these changes. In fact, ShoutMix is going to be really awesome for our current and future customers. Our focus will be to make paying customers extremely happy and they will get 100% of our resources. If you are one of our customers, things are just going to get a lot better for you.
ShoutMix has always been a product with great passion. It is just unfortunate that it did not work out as a free product. We all have to move on. And ShoutMix will continue to be the most affordable, high quality and premium live chat software that everyone can use and love.

Express your love with the song, Bruno Mars - Marry You Lyric

The following song seemed very appropriate to describe a person who is in love. Expressed with the song maybe you will be accepted. :D

Bruno Mars - Marry You Lyric

It's a beautiful night, we're looking for something dumb to do
Hey baby, I think I wanna marry you
Is it the look in your eyes, or is it this dancing juice
Who cares baby, I think I wanna marry you

Well I know this little chapel on the boulevard
We can go
No one will no
Oh c'mon girl

Who cares if we're trashed
Got a pocket full of cash we can blow
Shot of Patron
And it's on girl

Don't say no no no no no
Just say yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
And we'll go go go go go
If you're ready, like I'm ready

'Cause it's a beautiful night, we're looking for something dumb to do
Hey baby, I think I wanna marry you
Is it the look in your eyes or is it this dancing juice
Who cares baby, I think I wanna marry you

I'll go get a ring
Let the choir bell sing like ooh
So what you wanna do
Lets just run girl
If we wake up and you want to break up
That's cool
No I won't blame you
It was fun girl

Don't say no no no no no
Just say yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
And we'll go go go go go
If you're ready, like I'm ready

'Cause it's a beautiful night, we're looking for something dumb to do
Hey baby, I think I wanna marry you
Is it the look in your eyes, or is it this dancing juice
Who cares baby, I think I wanna marry you

Just say I do
Tell me right now baby
Tell me right now baby, baby
Just say I do
Tell me right now baby
Tell me right now baby, baby

It's a beautiful night, we're looking for something dumb to do
Hey baby, I think I wanna marry you
Is it the look in your eyes, or is it this dancing juice
Who cares baby, I think I wanna marry you

December 27, 2011

IKLAN PEMBACA: Propolis i-tech nano c9 sebagai pengobatan alami

Jenis Iklan:BARANG
Judul Iklan*:Propolis i-tech nano c9 sebagai pengobatan alami
Isi Iklan*:Asalamualaikum warohmatuloh wabarokatuh..

Manfa'at propolis i-tech nano c9.

Propolis i-tech nano c9 sebagai pengobatan
alami mengandung zat aktif yang berfungsi sebagai
obat untuk berbagai macam penyakit..

Fungsi pengobatan meliputi hal-hal sbb :

1. Propolis i-tech nano c9 sebagai anti biotik alami,
Antiviral dan antifungal alami tanpa efek samping.

2. Propolis i-tech nano c9 menyembuhkan penyakit yang berhubungan
dengan bakteri,misalnya thypus,diare,muntaber,dsb.
Dapat juga untuk bau ketiak yang sangat mengganggu
karena di dalam lipatan ketiak terdapat bakteri
dan jamur yang menyebabkan bau.

3. Propolis i-tech nano c9 menyembuhkan penyakit yang berhubungan
dengan virus,misalnya demam berdarah,flu,TBC.

4. Propolis i-tech nano c9
Menyembuhkan penyakit yang berhubungan dengan
Jamur,misalnya eksim,panu,keputihan,ketombe.

5. Propolis i-tech nano c9
Sebagai anti peradangan
(Infeksi dan luka)
Misalnya maag,luka bakar,radang tenggorokan,sakit gigi,radang ginjal.

6. Propolis i-tech nano c9 sebagai anti kanker
Dan mutagenesis sel,misalnya kanker,tumor,myom,kista.

7. Propolis i-tech nano c9 berfungsi membersihkan
pembuluh darah dan detoks.

8. Propolis i-tech nano c9 berfungsi sebagai
Pembuangan racun,misalnya
asam urat,kolestrol,trigliserin,darah tinggi,jantung,stroke,diabetes.

9. Propolis i-tech nano c9 juga penyembuhan ajaib
bagi penyakit seperti tumor,jantung dan pembuluh darah,diabetes melitus,pengapuran pembuluh
darah oleh lemak,infeksi,gangguan pencernaan.
Gangguan pernafasan,penyakit saraf,rematik.

10. Propolis i-tech nano c9 sebagai penetral racun
dalam tubuh sekaligus sebagai anti-oksidan kuat.
Menambah gairah sex.

Cara konsumsi propolis i-tech nano c9.

Pengobatan dalam :
Diminum : teteskan propolis i-tech nano c9 langsung
atau dicampur dengan 1/4 gelas air putih.

- pencegahan :
2-4 tetes (2-3 x sehari)
-pengobatan :
5-10 tetes atau sesuai kebutuhan
(5-7 x sehari)

Pengobatan luar :
oleskan propolis i-tech nano c9
Secara merata pada bagian tubuh yang luka.

1 pck atau box propolis i-tech nano c9 isi 4 botol,1 botol isi 6 ml..

Propolis i-tech nano c9 harga grosir!!.. Harga beli 1 pack rp.510.000/pck
Beli 2-3 rp.400.000/pck

Beli 5 rp.350.000/pck.

Dan untuk pembelian 10-20 pck ke atas dapatkan harga discon 40% silahkan tlpn/sms ke
082262143873 / 087824117264
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December 24, 2011

video collection Christmas Light Musical Show

Marry Christmas & Happy new years 2012, to celebrate Christmas, I dedicate a few videos that I took from youtube about musical light show. please enjoy

Video Christmas Light Musical

Source from YOUTUBE

December 21, 2011

BlackBerry Full Service XL 3 Bulan Hanya Bayar Rp 49rb

Gile beneeer...!!! BB XL cukup bayar Rp.49rb bisa pake BB Full Service selama 3 Bulan...!!!


XL memang benar-benar operator pelopor tarif termurah, lagi-lagi XL memberikan tarif murah, yang sebelumnya promo BB Full Service 49ribu sebulan, sekarang dengan cuma-cuma memberikan tarif murah hanya rp.49 ribu sudah bisa menikmati full service gak cuma 1 bulan tapi selama 3 bulan bro...

Yang namanya murah pasti pada ngikut, pingin tahu cara mendapatkannya? Simak cara berikut :

Efektif tanggal 21 Desember 2011 XL kembali meluncurkan program baru yaitu: Promo BlackBerry Full Service 49K untuk 3 bulan dengan masa aktif 90 hari.
dengan nama "XMAKIN 49"

Periode program 21 Desember 2012 - 31 Januari 2012
Promo ini hanya berlaku untuk pelanggan Prabayar, tidak untuk pelanggan Postpaid.

Cara Registrasi (existing) melalui:
  1. UMB : *123# - Internet/BB - BlackBerry - Promo BB Full Service 49K untuk 3 bln. "Menu ini hanya akan muncul untuk pelanggan yang berhak ikut dalam program promo Blackberry rRp49rb/90hari"
  2. SMS : ketik BB(spasi)Bulan - kirim ke 568

Mekanisme Charging:
• Bulan-1 Rp. 49ribu; bulan-2 Free; bulan ke-3 Free
• Bulan selanjutnya (bulan ke -4) dikenakan biaya normal sebesar Rp. 99K/bulan.

Syarat dan ketentuan
  1. Promo berlaku untuk semua pelanggan Prepaid, baik pelanggan baru maupun pelanggan lama (existing)
  2. Khusus Pelanggan lama (Existing), merupakan pelanggan yang sudah tidak berlangganan BB Service apapun selama 1 Bulan sejak melakukan unregistrasi.
  3. Registrasi menggunakan Channel Registration yang eksiting, yaitu SMS dan UMB
  4. Selama masa promo, pelanggan tidak bisa melakukan unregistration.
  5. Masa aktif kartu otomatis diperpanjang selama promo (3 bulan) dihitung sejak registrasi ke paket BB 49rb pertama kali.
  6. Jika pelanggan melakukan reload pulsa, maka masa aktif yang digunakan adalah masa aktif yang terpanjang.
  7. Registrasi BB mulai tanggal 21 Desember 2011 s.d 31 Januari 2012.
  8. Jika pelanggan melakukan registrasi pada tanggal 1 Februari 2012 maka akan dikenakan biaya normal sebesar Rp. 99ribu/30 hari.
  9. Setelah 3 bulan paket akan diperpanjang secara otomatis setiap bulannya dengan Paket Blackberry One Monthly Rp99rb/30 hari. Selama saldo mencukupi , nomor dalam masa aktif dan tidak ada permintaan untuk berhenti berlangganan.
  10. Tidak ada minimum balance dan top up
  11. Semua features mengikuti BB One bulanan
Artinya kita cuma mengeluarkan uang Rp.49rb sudah bisa mengakses BB Full Service selama 3 Bulan.

Selamat menikmati :D

info lebih lanjut klik  atau call 817

Sent from my BlackBerry®

December 20, 2011


Tambahan untuk gratisan XL

  1. FREE FACEBOOK FOREVER (FFF) <--- Klik untuk info lebih lanjut
Cara Aktifasi atau daftarnya :
FFF: melalui UMB dengan cara tekan *123*390#  lalu tekan OK/YES —► FFF
TTT: melalui UMB dengan cara tekan *123*390#  lalu tekan OK/YES —► TTT
GRATIS hingga 2,5mb selanjutnya Rp.1/kb hingga 5rb selanjutnya Rp.0,5/kb

Gratis Facebook-an atau Twitter-an berlaku jika diakses menggunakan browser bawaan handset.

Buka browser internet di ponsel , lalu akses ke atau

Gratis tidak diperoleh jika pelanggan menggunakan browser computer atau browser lain seperti Opera Mini, Ovi Browser, UC Browser dan sebagainya.

Gratis tidak berlaku jika akses menggunakan aplikasi facebook/twitter (facebook/twitter for blackberry, facebook/twitter for Iphone, dsb.)

Untuk info lebih lanjut call 817 atau *123# bisa juga lihat info lainnya di

December 19, 2011

Donwload Kalender Nasional 2012 Lengkap

Donwload Kalender Nasional 2012 Lengkap 
(Untuk memperbesar gambar klik pada gambar)

December 17, 2011


Barusan dapet info broadcast dari temen soal gratisan, yang namanya gratisan pasti pada seneng... Nah berikut infonya :

Efektif tanggal 19 Desember 2011 terdapat Tarif Baru yaitu Tarif FREE FACEBOOK FOREVER (FFF).

Tarif FFF dapat diaktifkan melalui UMB *123# -->Paket Nelpon -->Free Facebook Forever -->Ikuti petunjuk selanjutnya

Tarif berlaku secara Nasional bagi pelanggan baru dan lama Prabayar.

Gratis Facebook-an berlaku jika facebook diakses menggunakan browser bawaan handset.

Buka browser internet di ponsel , lalu akses ke

Gratis facebook tidak diperoleh jika pelanggan menggunakan browser computer atau browser lain seperti Opera Mini, Ovi Browser, UC Browser dan sebagainya.

Gratis facebook tidak berlaku jika akses menggunakan aplikasi facebook (facebook for blackberry, facebook for Iphone, dsb.)

Pastikan setting APN GPRS dan MMS sudah sesuai dan proxy sudah diisi dgn benar, yaitu sebagai berikut:
User name : dikosongkan
Password : dikosongkan
Proxy service address :
Proxy port numer : 8080

Untuk info lebih lanjut call 817 dari kartu XL Anda
Atau kunjungi

Baca juga untuk info gratisan Twitternya Twitter Terus Terusan
Sent from my BlackBerry®

New 2012 SEO Tips For Blogger or Webmaster

The following tips are very useful for bloggers and webmasters to increase traffic on your blog and increase a ranking, and to increase the income of the blog, for example adsense.
New 2012 SEO Tips For Blogger or Webmaster
  • A good title has between 10 and 70 characters (including spaces), and contains your primary keywords and phrases. Be sure that each page has a unique title. 
  • The Meta Description Tag doesn't affect your page's ranking in the search engines (for the most part), but it is still important for your SEO. Google may choose to display meta descriptions in the search results, which will help users to have a clear idea of the URL's content. It is worth having an accurate meta description, which may improve your Click-through. Try to limit its length to 60 - 150 characters.  
  • Although the keyword meta tags don't count in Google's ranking, it is still a major factor for other search engines to consider. Ideally, your meta keywords should contain no more than 256 characters, and separate the words or phrases using a comma.
  • Heading tags help search engines recognize what's "important" on your web page. Include your main keywords in the headings. Make sure to use one title per page.  
  • Use Google AJAX Libraries API. It has several advantages over hosting open source JavaScript Libraries on your server: decreased latency, increased parallelism, and better caching.
  • Put your keywords into bold ( or ) to make sure the search engines know that these words are important.  
  • Put your keywords into italics (), or emphasis () to make sure the search engines know that these words are important. 
  • Add alternative text (the alt attribute) to help search engines better understand the content of your images. Limit the number of images to optimize your page load times.  
  • A Text to HTML ratio of below 30% is not favorable for SEO. Include more relevant text to your pages to increase your keyword density.
  • Frames can cause problems for search engines because they don't correspond to the conceptual model of the web. It is advisable to minimize the usage of frames, whenever possible.  
  • You can use flash as some specific enhancements, but it's better to avoid a full Flash websites to maximize SEO. However this may change in the near future.
  • Site speed is an important factor to search engine optimization (SEO). Use free tools like Page Speed to evaluate and improve your website speed.  
  • Gzip is a form of content compression and helps speed up the loading time of a site. It is advisable to use this for large website with lots of contents. 
  • XML Sitemaps lists the URLs for a site. You can include additional information such as the frequency of changes and when the last update was. This allows search engines to crawl the site more intelligently. You can use Google Sitemap Generator to generate an XML sitemap for your website.
  • A robots.txt is regular text file. You can instruct robots to not crawl and index certain files, directories within your site, or the entire site at all. Click here to check your robots.txt file for syntax errors. 
  • Broken links are links that lead nowhere. It may adversely affect your website search engine rankings. Poor usability from broken links can drive your potential customers away and prevent search engines from properly indexing your site. The usage of a customized 404 error page is encouraged. 
  • Use Google webmaster tool to submit a sitemap or ping service in order to speed up the indexing process. 
source : SEO Tools 

FORM IKLAN: Pasang iklan gratis di sini

JUDUL IKLAN*:Pasang iklan gratis di sini
ISI IKLAN*:Segala jenis iklan bisa kalian iklankan di sini
Dan iklan langsung terpublikasikan
NO.HP / Telphone*:08174
Upload Gambar Iklan:elvanoe.png

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December 14, 2011

FORM IKLAN: Ngetes form dulu...

JUDUL IKLAN*:Ngetes form dulu...
ISI IKLAN*:Ngetes form iklan Ngetes form iklan Ngetes form iklan Ngetes form iklan Ngetes form iklan Ngetes form iklan Ngetes form iklan Ngetes form iklan Ngetes form iklan
NO.HP / Telphone*:00000000000
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December 13, 2011

Feedback via the FORM IKLAN

Nama*:Elvanoe Admin
Web Site:
Judul Iklan*:Ngetes Form Iklan
Isi iklan*:testing form iklan
File Upload:

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New Emoticon for Yahoo! Messenger

New hidden emoticon for Yahoo! Messenger :
o|:) tangkap
~^o^~ beri semangat
+_+ dingin
[]--- memasak
@^@||| pusing
%*-{ kurang beruntung
^O^||3 makan
[]==[] nge-gym
:(fight) bertarung
&[] kado
:(||> menyerah
:)/\:) toss
:::^^::: panas
o|^_^|o musik
:(game) main game
:puke! muntah
'@-@ kaca pembesar
o|\~ bernyanyi
:>~~ seram
?@_@? belajar
:(tv) nonton TV
%||:-{ sial
Sent from my BlackBerry®

Contoh Virus menyebar melalui YM bahkan Chat FB

haha haha aa

omfg lol aa

JANGAN SEKALI-KALI DI KLIK!! Pesan tersebut diatas ternyata sebuah virus, dia mengirim otomatis kesemua kontak YM (yahoo messenger) bahkan bisa juga melalui Chat di facebook,, sebenarnya virus tersebut tidak begitu menginfeksi komputer, tapi sangat mengganggu temen2 anda... Karna termasuk spam.
Untuk jenis dan cara membasminya bisa ditanyakan ke mbah google :D
Sent from my BlackBerry®

XL menghadirkan RBTPlus untuk mendukung musisi Indonesia

Info gress bagi para pengguna XL dan music lover, you can listen your favorite song anywhere with used RBT Ring Back Tone Plus from XL.

XL Axiata (XL) menghadirkan layanan yang inovatif kepada pelanggannya dengan meluncurkan layanan Value Added Service (VAS) yaitu XL RBTPlus. Pelanggan dapat mendengarkan RBT pilihannya ketika melakukan panggilan telepon ke operator manapun dengan layanan RBTPlus dari XL.

Joy Wahyudi selaku Direktur Marketing XL hadir membuka acara peluncuran dengan mengatakan,"Layanan XL RBTPlus merupakan yang pertama di Indonesia. XL akan terus melahirkan layanan baru bagi pelanggan dan diharapkan dapat memberikan tambahan pengalaman yang menyenangkan dalam mengggunakan layanan seluler XL. Dengan layanan ini pula, pelanggan XL dapat mendengarkan musik atau lagu yang disukainya."

Layanan XL RBTPlus ini terdiri dari 2 pilihan paket yaitu :

1. Layanan Playlist, dimana pelanggan dapat memilih paket playlist secara cuma-cuma yang terdiri dari 3 buah RBT, dan RBT tersebut akan diputar secara acak setiap kali pelanggan melakukan panggilan telepon. Tarif berlangganan layanan Playlist (sebanyak 3 lagu) dapat diperoleh dengan tarif Rp 7.700 per 30 hari dan tarif konten masih berlaku gratis selama masa promo dan sudah termasuk pajak.

2. Layanan Ala Carte, dimana pelanggan dapat memilih RBT apa saja untuk dijadikan RBT Plus, dan RBT yang sudah dimiliki akan berputar setiap kali pelanggan melakukan panggilan telepon serta akan menambah playlist RBT Plus secara otomatis. Tarif Rp 7.700 per konten, sedangkan untuk berlangganan selama 1 bulan akan dikenakan biaya sebesar Rp 7.700,- dan sudah termasuk pajak.

Ayo dukung musisi indonesia dengan mengaktifkan XL RBTPlus dihapemu.

For more information :
Sent from my BlackBerry®

December 12, 2011

I Can't Sleep

December 11, 2011

El Clasico - Barcelona vs Real Madrid

Match result El Clasico - Barcelona (3) vs (1) Real Madrid

Modus penipuan melalui sms a/n SID@MUNCUL (PT.SIDOMUNCUL)

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From: +6283897882711
Received: Dec 10, 2011 7:20 AM

Selamat!! SimCard
anda mndptkan
hadiah "CEK TUNAI" Rp.15jt, dari
KuKuBima ENER-G!
U/info Hub CS;

Harap tidak terkecoh dengan hadiah seperti sms di atas. 100% BOHONG!!

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Jokes for The Twilight saga Breaking down

The twilight saga breaking down
the Towilet saga boker'ing down
Towilet - toilet
Boker (bahasa Indonesia) - activity at toilet :D
Just jokes

December 9, 2011

Review : Specification LG Optimus 3D P920

Mantab nih HP, bisa menjadi referensi buat yang suka nonton film 3D atau ngegame dan para penggemar gadget canggih dengan harga terjangkau. simak berikut rinciannya.

LG Optimus 3D P920, dengan prosesor canggih dual-core dan dua layar kamera, mampu merekam foto dan video dalam format 3D pada layar 4.3", yang dapat dilihat tanpa menggunakan kacamata 3D. Atau cukup sambungkan ke TV 3D dan Anda dapat menikmati tayangan 3D secara langsung dari Optimus 3D LG. New LG Optimus 3D, more than Smartphone, its Genius Phone.

Dual Core, Tri Dual Technology
The LG Optimus 3D is a showcase of superior speed and power, made possibly by LG's World's 1st "tri-dual" configuration: a Dual Core, Dual Channel, Dual Memory architecture based on the groundbreaking. TI OMAP4 chipset. This configuration enables users to enjoy significantly improved performance and run-time compared to any other smartphone. Unlike other dual-core smartphones, with single channel and single memory, the LG Optimus 3D enables the simultaneous and thus faster transfer of data between its dual core and dual memory.

Glasses-free 4.3" Wide Display
4.3 inch Wide Display touch-screen allows you to experience the full excitement of 3D video, glasses-free.  

3D Real-Time Recording
5MP Dual Cameras are optimized to capture the best 3D footage of anything you want, wherever and whenever.
Seamless Content Sharing via HDMI/DLNA
Share and view 3D videos on the large screen effortlessly, with HDMI 1.4 connection to 3D equipped TVs and monitors and with DLNA Certified™ compatible products.

View 3D footage on YouTube
Share 3D content online just as easily through the world's first 3D channel on YouTube.

Gaming in 3D
Top games are now available in 3D (Nova, Gulliver's Travels, Asphalt 6, Lets Golf 2). You can adjust the 3D depth level during play with a gage set inside the game screen.

3D Hot Key for Immediate 3D Access
Hot Key enables switching from 2D to 3D, or 3D to 2D, without any delay. Also Hot Key provides instant access to the 3D dedicated menus.

  • Beyond Dual Core, Tri Dual Technology
  • Glasses-free 4.3" Wide Display
  • 3D Real-Time Recording
  • Seamless Content Sharing via HDMI/DLNA
  • View 3D footage on YouTube
  • True Gaming in 3D
  • 3D Hot Key for Immediate 3D Access

source :

LG V909 Tablets Specification


Android™ 3.0 Platform (Honeycomb)
    Android™ 3.0 tablet-optimized platform and Google™ media services deliver a groundbreaking multimedia experience.

Rear 5.0 MP Camera with LED Flash and 1080p HD and 3D Video Capture
    G-Slate has a front-facing camera for video conferencing, a 5.0 MP rear-facing stereoscopic camera with flash for image capture and 3D and HD video recording to bring memories to life
World-Class Browsing
    Experience browsing more like a desktop, less like a phone; multi-tasking with multiple open tabs, bookmark syncing from other devices, privacy settings, and more.

NVIDIA® Tegra™ 2 1GHz Dual-Core Processor
    The NVIDIA® Tegra™ 2 1GHz Dual-Core Processor combined with T-Mobile’s 4G network creates fast, seamless multitasking computing.

Brilliant 8.9" High-Definition Touchscreen
    8.9" HD wide-screen, 3D-capable multi-touch display, and playback with HDMI® satisfy gamers, multimedia users, and movie buffs.


    Android 3.0
    NVIDIA Tegra 2 T250, 1GHz Dual-Core
    850/1800/1900 MHz, 900/1700/2100 MHz (Tri-Band/Tri-Mode)
Data Transmission
    9.56" (H) x 5.88" (W) x 0.49" (D)
    22.9 oz.
    1670K Color TFT, 1280x768 pixels (1080p HD)
    8.9" Multi-Touch, High-Definition
Standard Battery
    6,400 mAh
Standby Time
    up to 700 hours*
Charging Port
    Micro USB
Internal Memory
    32GB ROM, 1GB RAM

*Certain features may use more power and cause actual standby time to vary.

source :

December 8, 2011

Review : Indonesian Film THE RAID (Serbuan Maut)

Deep in the heart of Jakarta's slums lies an impenetrable derelict apartment building which became a safe house for the world's most dangerous killers and gangsters. The rundown apartment block has been considered untouchable to even the bravest of police. Cloaked under the cover of pre-dawn darkness and silence, an elite SWAT team is tasked with raiding the derelict apartment in order to take down the notorious drug lord that runs it. But when a chance encounter with a spotter blows their cover and news of their assault reaches the drug lord, the building's lights are cut off and all exits are blocked. Stranded on the 6th floor with no way out, the unit must fight their way through the city's worst criminals to survive their mission.

The Raid or Serbuan Maut is an Indonesian martial arts action film directed by Welsh Director Gareth Evans and starring Iko Uwais which is set for a 2012 release. This is the second collaboration of Evans and Uwais after their first action film, Merantau released in 2009. Both movies showcase Indonesian traditional martial art Pencak Silat in their choreography. The fight choreographers of The Raid are Iko Uwais and Yayan Ruhian who also worked together with Iko and Gareth in Merantau. The US release of the film features music by Mike Shinoda of Linkin Park.

After its world premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF), critics and audience alike hailed The Raid as one of the best action movies in years.

Sony Pictures Worldwide Acquisition has acquired the distribution rights of the movie for the US and has tasked Mike Shinoda of Linkin Park to create a new score for the movie. The distribution rights for other territories were also sold, including Alliance (Canada), Momentum (UK), Madman (Australia), SND (France), Kadokawa (Japan), Koch (Germany), HGC (China), and Calinos (Turkey). Deals have also been made with distributors from Russia, Scandinavia, Benelux, Iceland, Italy, Latin America, Korea and India during the film screening at the TIFF.
A few months after Sony acquired the film's North American distribution rights, it was announced by Hollywood Reporter that its subsidiary company, Screen Gems, is in negotiations to produce a Hollywood remake. The remake will not be directed by Gareth Evans as he is preparing the sequel of "The Raid", called "Berandal",scheduled for filming in February 2012.

Staring :
  • Iko Uwais as Rama
  • Doni Alamsyah as Andi
  • Yayan Ruhian as Mad Dog
  • Ray Sahetapy as Tama
  • Joe Taslim as Jaka
Directed by Gareth Evans
Produced by Ario Sagantoro
Written by Gareth Evans
Starring Iko Uwais,Ray Sahetapy, Joe Taslim, Donny Alamsyah, Yayan Ruhian
Music by Fajar Yuskemal, Aria Prayogi (original); Mike Shinoda (US-release)
Cinematography Matt Flannery
Editing by Gareth Evans
Release date(s) 8 September 2011 (TIFF)
19 January 2012 (Indonesia)

Version Bahasa Indonesia

source :

Kabar Ponariyo Astaman meninggal dunia


Kembali kita kehilangan salah satu pemain sepak bola kebanggaan garuda atau team indonesia senior yaitu Ponariyo Astaman...
Dia meninggal dunia baru saja saat bertanding melawan persib dimenit 84...
Ponaryo meninggal saat memagar gawang Fery...
Ketika itu Radovic yg mengeksekusinya sangat keras tepat mengenai jantung sebelah kanan Ponaryo. Ponaryo sempat pingsan/tergeletak ditengah lapangan barulah dilarikan ke rumah sakit. Naas nyawanya tidak tertolong lagi...

Jika anda merasa kehilangan sebarkan sms ini keteman-teman pecinta bola anda...


Kabar tersebut saya terima dari sebuah BBM (BlackberryMessenger) dari teman saya (07.11.2011 22.30wib) untuk kabar kepastian atau kebenarannya belum bisa diketahui.
Sent from my BlackBerry®

December 7, 2011

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Blog Writing Competition - Konservasi Sumber Daya Air di Mata Blogger

Buat para blogger ada info nih, Aqua bersama DagDigDug menggelar sebuah lomba Blog Writing Competition dengan Tema

“Konservasi Sumber Daya Air di Mata Blogger”

Periode Lomba
1 November 2011 – 1 Januari 2012
Pengumuman Lomba
17 Januari 2012

Syarat Umum Lomba

  • Semua blogger di Indonesia dapat berpartisipasi
  • Peserta adalah mereka yang memiliki blog pribadi, baik hosting gratis dan domain pribadi
  • Tidak ada batasan umur
  • Tertutup bagi jurnalis media cetak & online
  • Meletakkan gambar banner online di bawah ini dalam postingan, dengan link menuju 

Kriteria Penjurian

  • Judul, isi, dan nada pemberitaan sejalan dengan tema lomba
  • Tidak mengandung unsur SARA (Suku, Agama, Ras, dan Antar Golongan)
  • Juri memiliki hak prerogatif untuk menentukan pemenang

Mekanisme Penjurian

  • Proses penjurian berlangsung dari tanggal 1 – 16 Januari 2011
  • Dewan Juri terdiri dari wakil dari blogger senior dari, ahli hidrogeologi, dan wartawan senior
  • Keputusan juri tidak dapat diganggu gugat
  • Jika tulisan sudah dipublikasikan di blog pribadi peserta, peserta mengirimkan beberapa data berikut ke email dengan subjek Lomba Blog Aqua:
    1. Nama Lengkap
    2. Alamat url blog
    3. Tautan langsung menuju artikel yang dilombakan
    4. Alamat email
    5. Nomor telpon

Hadiah Lomba Penulisan

  • Juara 1: Plakat + piagam + 5 juta
  • Juara 2: Plakat + piagam + 3,5 juta
  • Juara 3: Plakat + piagam + 2 juta

December 6, 2011

Song Lyrics : TRAIN - Hey, Soul Sister

Hey, hey, hey
Your lipstick stains
On the front lobe of my Left-side brains
I knew I wouldn't forget you
And so I went and let you Blow my mind
Your sweet moonbeam
The smell of you in every Single dream I dream
I knew when we collided
You're the one I have decided
Who's one of my kind
Hey soul sister
Ain't that mister mister
On the radio, stereo The way you move ain't fair, you know
Hey soul sister
I don't wanna miss A single thing you do

Hey, hey, hey
Just in time
I'm so glad you have A one track mind like me
You gave my life direction
A game show love connection
We can't deny
I'm so obsessed
My heart is bound to beat Right out my untrimmed chest
I believe in you Like a virgin, you're Madonna
And I'm always gonna wanna blow your mind
Hey soul sister
Ain't that mister mister
On the radio, stereo The way you move ain't fair, you know
Hey soul sister
I don't wanna miss A single thing you do

The way you can cut a rug
Watching you is the only drug I need
So gangster, I'm so thug You're the only one I'm dreaming of
You see,
I can be myself now finally
In fact there's nothing I can't be
I want the world to see you'll be with me
Hey soul sister
Ain't that mister mister On the radio, stereo
The way you move ain't fair, you know
Hey soul sister
I don't wanna miss A single thing you do
Hey soul sister
I don't wanna miss A single thing you do
Hey, hey, hey Tonight
Hey, hey, hey Tonight

December 4, 2011

Sport Themes - Bedroom Design For Your Child

Sport Themes - Bedroom Design For Your Child

Cartoon Themes - Bedroom Design For Your Kids

Cartoon Themes - Bedroom Design For Your Kids Fairy story

Minimalist - Bedroom Design For Your Child

Minimalist - Bedroom Design For Your Child

Car Themes - Bedroom Design For Your Kids

 Car Themes (Tema Mobil)

Unique - Bedroom Design For Your Child

Are you now looking for design a bedroom for your child?
This design of a kids bedroom with the car theme, very interesting and funny. Most children are happy with the car. In order for your child to be happy and feel at home playing in the bedroom.
Perhaps bedroom design unique and cool, as could be an alternative to designing a bedroom for your child.
Below I post the pictures of a child's bed design with automotive themes.

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